Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Someone Still Doesn't Love You Boris Yeltsin

All I keep hearing about is Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin this and Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin that. I guess that sentence doesn't quite roll off the tongue, but damn kids. Has it really come to this? This is what's hot, right now? Even forgetting their wank of a band name, their music has to inspire nausea in all of us ("I think I just threw up in my mouth" sorta-thing). If it doesn't we have to take a step back and listen to what's going on. Is no one else sniffing this out? It's a little funny smelling huh? Smells a little like Elliott Smith, but funnier, stinkier? I think I could have dealt with this replica, even the boring, sappy acoustic guitar playing, if it were not for these lyrics. "We did what we could/To save this house from falling/But it burns because it's wood/And now you’ll never call me darling." I think I wrote these same lines for my high school English class, and got a C on the assignment. I'm sorry fellas, but if I even saw the faintest strain of potential, I wouldn't knock ya. There's just too much music out there for people to settle for this. Feel me?

Let's just keep listening to Sunset Rubdown.


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