Thursday, July 13, 2006

Lily Allen on a Rampage of Criticism...She's Crazy.

New indie music sensation, Lily Allen, has reported that she dislikes...indie music? "I like lots of indie bands. I'm a fan of good guitar music. I think it's just that at the moment everyone's like, 'Music's so great, we've got these great indie rock bands' but in reality they all sound the same. They're just doing what S Club 7 and Steps did - regurgitating the same songs because that's what people are buying at the moment."

All right, she's not quite indie, but that's definitely the scene she's rising from. She's made it to #1 on the UK charts with her single Smile, but her full length hasn't arrived yet. So, what gives her the right? Well, she's pretty damned good and she'll be outshining The Libertines, her new music rivals. Will we be seeing riots in the street? Label gang wars? Nah, just some good 'ol fashioned shit talkin' and some hate mail from Libertines fans.

After she criticised The Kooks, she had this to say:
"Libertines fans gave me a lot of shit, but I think they're all obsessed with that band in a really dangerous way," she said. "I get hate mail all the time! I like it. I feel bad for my fans who send me nice messages because I tend to only reply to the really horrible ones. People are constantly being rude about me, especially after The Kooks and the Carl Barat thing."



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